Light in Darkness


by Jon Buck

“This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil.” ~ John 3:19

I’m sure at some point you’ve been startled in the night by a loud sound. You jump out of bed, wondering what’s happened. In that moment, with everything dark, your mind can wander to all sorts of things! An intruder. An animal. A sleepwalking child. 

When things are dark, you need light. You stumble to the switch, turn on the light, and figure out what’s going on. 

But imagine in that scenario hating the light. Imagine rejecting it. Choosing at that moment to close your eyes tightly in order to stay in the dark. How insane! 

And yet, this is precisely what Jesus says happened when He came into the world. 

He brought spiritual Light and life. He came as the shining God-man, glorious beyond all description in His character and work. And, stunningly, He came to offer righteousness and communion with God as a free gift! John says that 'the Light was the life of men' (John 1:4). Jesus came offering forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life.

But Jesus says that the judgment on the world was not from Him, but that they loved the darkness instead of the Light. Jesus came, and they shut their eyes and denied that the light was on. 

Why? Because their deeds were evil. They loved darkness because they wanted to sin. They squeezed their eyes shut because in the darkness, they could sin with impunity. But the Light showed them that they needed a Savior. 

That’s still what Jesus is doing today—shining as a Light in the world, and offering Light and life to men who are in darkness. Christmas each year is the same event, in one sense. It is the reminder that Jesus has come with salvation and healing and mercy for sinners. I hope that you love the Light and worship Him for His great love for sinners like you!