“You shall call His name Jesus”


by Jason Park

When the angel Gabriel informs Joseph of “the Child who has been conceived in her” by the Holy Spirit (Matt 1:20), he uses two names for this “Son” (v. 21).

The first name, the name by which we know Him best, is “Jesus.” And the angel tells Joseph why the Son’s name is to be “Jesus” – “for He will save His people from their sins” (v. 21). The name “Jesus” is the Greek form of “Joshua,” which means “the Lord saves.” 

Now, this is no ordinary Child. He is the Messiah, the long-awaited Seed of Abraham and King of Israel who would restore righteousness and justice to the world (v. 17). He is conceived in his virgin mother by the Holy Spirit (vv. 18, 20), not by his human father. Fully God, yet fully Man, come into the world to do one thing: to save His people from their sins. 

Names often have great significance in the Bible, but this name rules them all. The name that would one day be exalted above every other name (Phil 2:9-11) is the one we call on to save us from our sins and because He has saved us from our sins (1 Cor 1:2).

It is the sweetest and fairest name of all – the name by which we have been called by God to Himself as His people (Amos 9:12; James 2:7). This is “Jesus,” our Ruler, our Shepherd (Matt 2:6), the Light that has dawned on our spiritual darkness (Matt 2:16).

He was born to save us. Not from heaven, but on earth; not by the snap of his fingers, but by the sacrifice of His own life. The Lord saves like this. And this is why we particularly adore Him during Christmas. 

So, reflect on what His name means. Respond to Christ in gratitude and joy. And reveal to others by your love, kindness, and goodness that the name of Jesus is more than a name to you – it is your soul’s very life.