Our Care Groups (home Bible studies) are led and shepherded by faithful men and their wives. These men also serve as part of the overall Shepherding Team and help the elders by giving valuable input and direction.
Jon & Alyssa Buck, Care Group Leaders
Jon and Alyssa Buck lead a Care Group in Laguna Niguel on Wednesday nights. They joined FBC in 2005 and have six children: Hannah, Katie, Sarah, Maggie, Abbie, and Emma.
Chris & Esther Fuller, Care Group Leaders
Chris and Esther Fuller lead a Care Group in Laguna Niguel on Wednesday nights. They joined FBC in 2019 after moving from the UK. They have 3 children: Florence, Rufus, and Autumn.
Mike & Beth Gillis, Care Group Leaders
Mike and Beth lead a Care Group in Mission Viejo on Thursday nights. They joined FBC in 2010 and have four children: Dani, Charlie, Sydney, and Elijah.
Nick & Jodi Kalena, Care Group Leaders
Nick and Jodi Kalena lead a Care Group in San Clemente on Wednesday nights. They joined FBC in 2007 and have six children: Shane, Nate, Brynn, Drew, Kate, and Seth.
Joe & Michelle Koh, Care Group Leaders
Joe and Michelle lead a Care Group in Laguna Niguel on Friday nights. They were co-founders of FBC back in 2002 and have three children: Taylor, Kellie, and Katie.
Taylor & Annie Koh, Care Group Leaders
Taylor and Annie lead a Care Group in San Juan Capistrano on Thursday nights. They joined FBC in 2019 and have two children: Jovie and Parker.
Stephen & Curstin Niednagel, Care Group Leaders
Stephen & Curstin lead a Care Group which meets in South Laguna Beach on Thursday nights. They joined FBC in 2013 and have four children: James, Judah, Micah and Piper.
Gus & Melissa Pidal, Care Group Leaders
Gus and Melissa lead a Care Group in Irvine on Wednesday nights. They joined FBC in 2022 and have three boys: Cael, Coen, and Cian.
Josh & Sunny Rhee, Care Group Leaders
Josh and Sunny Rhee lead a Care Group in Lake Forest on Wednesday nights. They joined FBC in 2020 and have one child: Isaiah.
Kevin & Madison VanTongeren, Care Group Leaders
Kevin & Madison lead a Care Group in San Clemente on Thursday nights. They joined FBC in 2019 and have three children.