A Lifelong Rescue Mission


by Jon Buck

“For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost.” ~ Luke 19:10

We’ve all heard of rescue missions that have become the stuff of legend. 

Think of the daring night flotilla at Dunkirk during WWII to rescue the British soldiers. Or read about the stunning rescue by the Israeli Defense Force of the hostages held by the PLO at Entebbe Airport. Or we can remember hearing stories of daring rescues of lost hikers and skiers during storms. 

These stories grip our imaginations because we recognize the remarkable courage of the rescuers who sometimes must give their lives to save others. 

But without question the greatest rescue mission in the history of the world happened on the very first Christmas when Jesus was born. 

He didn’t come into the world with all the accoutrements of a rescuer—guns, ammo, camouflage, or mountaineering equipment. No - instead Jesus came into the world in the likeness of human flesh with a mission from His heavenly Father. He came to seek and save those who were lost because of their sin. 

In fact, the entire course of Jesus’ life had this single-minded goal. He was born and lived and died for this single purpose. His weapon for saving the lost was His own life. He lived a life of perfect righteousness in order to satisfy God’s requirement for heaven. And, by offering Himself, His very body, on the cross as a sacrifice for sin, He atoned for the sins of His people. 

But He also did something else remarkable, He sought out the lost. He pursued them in order to save them. And far better than the best rescue story, Jesus pursued those who were lost, and who hated their rescuer! 

The story of Christmas is really a thrilling story of rescue and a willing Rescuer who has sought and saved sinners like us. How stunning to remember that the baby in the manger is the greatest Rescuer the world has ever known!