Revelation 1:7a – Behold, He is Coming with the Clouds!
/by Jon Buck
“Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him” - Revelation 1:7a
The story of the world and God’s redemption of sinners is already fore-ordained by God. He reveals the mysteries of the end times, in a vision to John, for the encouragement of His people in the ultimate victory of Christ and the believer’s future life with Him. The entire book of Revelation is summarized in one sentence in Rev 1:7.
“Behold, He is coming with the clouds” is an OT reference. ‘Behold’ is a command to see, look and focus on something. John wants the readers to see Jesus is coming with the clouds through the text and the eyes of your heart, because it hasn’t happened yet. But it literally will happen in the future, and believers can read this, believe it, and trust this future prophecy is true.
Christ coming back with the clouds (Rev 1:7) is a reference to Dan 7:9-14. In Dan 7, the beasts are the four kings that will rise in power: Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon; Medo-Persia, Greece with the four way division after Alexander the Great’s death, and Rome). They are the same four empires Nebuchadnezzar saw in Dan 2 in which they are pictured as different types of metals in a statue, existing for a time, and then being replaced by a future kingdom of God. In Dan 7, Daniel lived before the four empires happened, but he saw them each replaced in the future, and he saw the day of the second coming of Christ. The command “Behold”, and the phrases He came with the “clouds of heaven”, and “One like a Son of Man” (Dan 7:13) are referenced in Rev 1:7. Daniel is describing the second coming of Christ. The little horn of the fourth kingdom will be a continuation of the Roman Empire in some capacity that the Antichrist will be ruling at the time the Day of the Lord comes, and his kingdom will be taken away and given to Christ. He will come on the clouds of heaven and will have future dominion as King (And 7:26).
The second reference to Christ’s coming in clouds is in 1 Thess 4:16-17 which describes the rapture of the church. The passage describes the resurrection and ascension of the dead in Christ (believers who have died), and living believers who will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord. The event of the rapture is the start of the second coming and judgment by Christ.
The timing of this event is immensely comforting to believers today, as the rapture will take them out of this world, and to the Lord, prior to judgement. But there is a warning that the Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night (1 Thess 5:1-3), unexpectedly and without warning. Unbelievers will be left, and some will become saved when they see the fulfillment of prophecy as “every eye will see Him” (Rev 1:7b). The rapture will start the Day of the Lord which is a period of seven years of tribulation, and then Jesus will return at the second coming and establish His kingdom (Matt 24:29). The Bible brings confidence the end is coming, and though this generation may not be here for it, it is God’s will, and all should know Christ as Savior before He comes as Judge.