“In the same way then, there has also come to be at the present time a remnant according to God’s gracious choice. But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace.” - Romans 11:5-6
Much of the New Testament is about the nation of Israel. The gospels are all dealing with Jewish issues, and Acts is heavily Jewish throughout. Paul deals heavily with Israel, and her unbelief in Romans, Ephesians. The general epistles are most often Jewish in their tone and audience.
But what does the nation of Israel have to do with us as modern Gentile Christians?
Simply put, God’s patience with Israel, and His continuing promises to her, are our basis for hope and confidence in Him!
If God promises that nothing will ever separate me from His love in Romans 8:33ff, but I know that He made promises to Israel, and they seem to be unbelieving, then how can I trust He’ll never leave me or forsake me?
Paul says that God’s choice of Israel had NOTHING to do with their works.
Notice that in v. 6 - if It is by grace, then it is NOT by works.
God didn’t look down the corridor of history and see who would choose Him.
No - HE graciously chose those who were rebels against Him.
And Paul says, if there’s any aspect to salvation that relates to works, then, guess what, grace isn’t grace anymore at all - your salvation, and the promises to Israel, are completed evacuated of any grace, and all that’s left is works—which will lead us directly to hell.
So what’s the point?
Think about the glorious promises of God’s grace to us in the first 8 chapters of Romans. What does God’s faithfulness to Israel mean to us?
Paul’s answer to the question is this - God graciously chose some among Israel to make Himself known. He’ll never change that decision. And His choice of the nation will never change, in spite of their massive failures. He is faithful.
He graciously chose to make Himself known to you, if you know Him! That will not change, anymore than He can deny His promises to the nation.
In other words, God’s faithfulness to Israel, in spite of her sin, is the great promise.