The Bible is About Jesus


by Jon Buck

Is there a point to the whole Bible? Is there a central theme? We would say yes! The whole point of the Bible is the Messiah.  Jesus is the central theme of the entire Scriptures. He told His disciples this in Luke 24:26-27 - His life and work is the POINT of the Bible. 

* He is there in the beginning, in creation, according to Col 1:16-17 - For by Him all things were created - all things were created through Him and for Him!

* He is the seed of the woman who would crush the serpent’s head in Gen 3:15.

* He is the coming seed of Abraham in Gen 12

* He is the ultimate fulfillment of the sacrificial system of Moses - the Lamb of God who would take away the sin of the world according to John 1:29

* He is the Prophet who would come like Moses in Deut 18

* He is the promised Son of David in 2 Sam 7

* He is the true and righteous King of Israel in Zech 9:9

* He is the one who would suffer for the sins of His people according to Isaiah 53. 

Now obviously, Jesus is more clear in the Gospels, right? And Paul’s focus on Christ is the key theme that he consistently teaches. So the NT is easier to understand Jesus. 

That’s why when a person first gets saved, we don’t send them to Leviticus!  We could, but it would be very difficult to help them see and understand God’s plan of redemption there. 

We send them to Mark, John, Acts, and then Ephesians. 

Why? Because those teach about the person of Christ, and the spread of His Gospel in a clear and simple way. But that doesn’t change the reality that the Scriptures reveal Christ to us - that is their purpose, in God’s plan!