Thankful for Men of Faith


by Jon Buck

This past Sunday, I had the privilege (with the other leaders) to hear God’s word taught by a group of guys at FBC. This group is called ‘Men of Faith’, and they’re going through a theological and teaching process. 

Each of the lessons were videoed so that the guys could watch themselves, and appreciate the work they’d put in. What’s more, watching a video provides an objective perspective, after the stress of teaching to all the leaders! (Feel free to request to see those videos! The guys have to give permission. :) )

The teaching times were incredibly encouraging. They covered texts from all over the Bible, and were Spirit-led and full of honesty and truth. 

One of the greatest signs of the working of the Spirit in the church is His provision in the hearts of guys to want to teach the Word. When the Lord is moving, He identifies and empowers men to speak for Him! 

For that reason, as elders and leaders, our hearts are super encouraged to see God’s work in these guys! We’re excited to see how the Lord continues working in them, and in others!