Letting the Past Remind Us


by Jon Buck

Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith. ~ Heb. 13:7

These days, it seems there’s always something new to consider. Some new idea, some new mantra, some new philosophy. It’s easy to spend our time getting caught up in all the ‘latest’ that’s happening. 

This week, however, as I’ve prepared for Sunday, I’ve found myself reading old dead guys. Now, keep in mind that, as a pastor, I spend a lot of time reading. And most of that time is spent reading from men who have gone before me. 

But this week was unique. The sermon is focused on application of Romans 8:1, and so I spent quite a bit more time reading other books than I might normally. And hearing the thoughts of others has been remarkably helpful! 

The thing that has struck me so strongly as I’ve read is how profoundly wise previous generations have been. Where they perfect? NO! But were they wise? Yes, and more than I know. 

No wonder, then, that the author of Hebrews calls us to remember those who have led us, shared God’s word with us, and gone before us. 

Not only were they profoundly wise in many ways, but their faith weathered the trials of life, and carried them to heaven. 

While I can sometimes get caught up in the ‘now’ of life, I’m thankful that there are so many that I can remember, to learn from their wisdom, and imitate their lives!