Satan’s Choice of Words


by Jon Buck

“And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” ~ 2 Cor 11:14

Satan isn’t dumb. 

He knows that very few people will move rapidly and directly into certain types of evils. 

So instead of presenting evil as it really is, he disguises it and makes it palatable. One of the clearest places we see his handiwork is in the words he chooses to use. 

The term ‘catholic’ means universal. But the Catholic Church is anything but universal. 

The words ‘planned parenthood’ sound like a set of rational choices for loving parents. But the words hide the most bloody genocide of the past 60 years in the legalized murder of the unborn. 

These days, Satan has found a new phrase to weaponize in confusing the minds and consciences of people. The phrase is ‘black lives matter’. 

Now, please read carefully. Black lives DO matter! They matter because black men and women are made in the image of God. They are precious to their Creator. For that reason, all Christians everywhere should vehemently affirm that ‘black lives matter’. 

However, Satan is no fool. He has taken that phrase, which should be precious to us as Christians, and attached it to a god-hating institution. 

The Black Lives Matter movement is overtly anti-family, pro-homosexuality, and anti-god. It explicitly intends to tear down the ‘Western’ concepts of family, motherhood, and sexuality, and replace them with neo-Marxist ideals. 

Of course, this places Christians in a difficult position. We want to affirm that black lives matter, but we must find ourselves against Black Lives Matter as an institution. 

Nevertheless, while this is complex, it is important. We must carefully navigate these times, affirming the biblical realities of righteousness and justice, while at the same time condemning Satan’s work in defaming God’s name. 

The world won’t love us for not wholesale accepting its position, but that should not surprise us—the world hated our Savior too.