Like Saying, “There is no God.”


by Jason Park

 Psalm 53:1–3 
1 The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God,” They are corrupt, and have committed abominable injustice; There is no one who does good. 
2 God has looked down from heaven upon the sons of men To see if there is anyone who understands, Who seeks after God. 
3 Every one of them has turned aside; together they have become corrupt; There is no one who does good, not even one.

We know this passage well from Paul’s use of it Rom 3:10-12. It is a cornerstone of the doctrine of total depravity. 

I’m assuming that none of you reading this has said, “There is no God.” I’m assuming that we don’t see ourselves in the group in which “no one…does good” and where everyone “has turned aside…become corrupt.” We’re grateful for our redemption from our sins by Christ. 

But have we ever said in our heart, “Where is God?” Or, “God is not in this!”? Have we ever said anything that resembled such practical atheism? Maybe during a trial, when we lost something, when we were down? Maybe we haven’t doubted God’s existence. But have we doubted God’s involvement and care in our lives?

I can’t imagine there’s any believer reading this who has genuinely said, “There is no God.” But I also can’t imagine there’s any believer reading this who hasn’t genuinely felt as though God wasn’t there in a given situation. Maybe you didn’t even consciously think such a thought, but you were frustrated, angry, scared, or sorrowful. We have these emotions when we say in our heart (consciously or not) that God has abandoned us. 

I’ve been there. In the pit. Crying out, “How long?” Angry at God for some trial or some perceived good He wasn’t giving me. Hurt that He wasn’t helping as quickly or as tangibly as I thought He should. I didn’t say, “There is no God,” but did I ever come close. 

It’s only when God awakens me by His word that I realize I spiral downward when I want control…when I want results…when I want God to bend His will to mine (James 4:1ff). 

Thank God, however, that He doesn’t operate by my timetable or buckles to my every demand. I can’t imagine what monstrosities I would create or what monster I would become if I got everything I wanted when I wanted it. God alone is wise and good so that by His power He can execute a perfectly wise and good plan that glorifies Him and blesses us. No amount of human wisdom or righteousness could ever do that.  

God is on His holy throne. And on His throne, He loves me and tells me He will never forsake me. And because He is my Father, I can trust Him in the lowest points of my life. In fact, I can trust Him with my whole life. He’s given me eternal life after all! 

In the pain, He is right there with me. His Spirit tells me so as He gently whispers, “Look up. There is a cross. That is your hope. That is your peace. Rest there, and find your burden lifted, even if nothing around you changes.”