Precious Unity


by Jason Park

Unity is such a fragile thing. The smallest offense, grievance, or difference can tear families, regions, and countries apart. 

Today, we’re being rocked internally by massive ideological polarization. It’s not enough to take a side on some issue; doing that means you have to demonize the other side. 

I wish the church of Christ were different. But we know it’s not. The spiritual unity of the saints, of Christ’s bride, is so delicate. The turmoil in the world infiltrates the church all too easily. It’s no small wonder that God left it in our hands to maintain it. 

So how we do that – maintain and foster unity among brothers and sisters in Christ? If it’s so delicate, how should we go about this business? Philippians gives us several answers, but I want to focus on one in the beginning of chapter 2. 

How do we preserve and promote unity in the body of Christ? 

  1. Consider the encouragement received in being united to Christ (v. 1). Think of all the ways you’ve been blessed by the grace of Christ just in your salvation.

  2. Consider the consolation of love (v. 1) – Christ’s love and His love through believers. How many times have the consolations of God cheered us up? How many times have we been comforted by Christ directly in our hearts or through others?

  3. Consider the fellowship of the Spirit (v. 1). He reinforces to our hearts that we are children of God. He bears His fruit in and through us. He prays for us because we are weak and don’t know what we ought to pray. He enables us to see the glory of Christ in the gospel. And He convicts us of our sin so that we would repent and turn to Christ. He makes His internal presence known in such sweet and powerful ways.

  4. Consider the affection and compassion (v. 1) – of God and of His people. The affection of Christ for sinners like us never diminishes, and there’s no end to it.  His compassion is new every morning. He cannot help but feel this tenderness toward His people. And He’s so kind that He lets us experience these realities through believers. Their care for us is Christ caring for us through them.  

When we consider all these gospel-graces, it becomes easier to be united in heart and purpose. It becomes easier to put the needs and interests of others ahead of our own when we see by faith Jesus doing just that for us, who have no business receiving anything good from Him.When we realize all that we’ve been blessed with in Christ, it softens our hearts toward one another. So that even where there are differences of opinion, we love one another as Christ loved and loves us. And thus, we preserve and promote unity below the surface: true unity, the unity of the heart.