Till He Returns or Calls Me Home


by Anonymous, by request

The following is an article by a member of FBC. We appreciate the willingness for brothers and sisters to write and offer their thoughts during this season! Hope it encourages you! 

“No power of hell, no scheme of man, can ever pluck me from His hand ’Til He returns, or calls me home, here in the power of Christ I’ll stand!” ~ In Christ Alone

In the our study of Romans one theme the elders have been pivoting off of to show the need of the Gospel is that we are all going to die.  Because of sin, creatures were born to die.  With COVID-19 still being unpredictable and half the world shut down, the fear of death is more present then many of us have ever seen.  Accordingly, if you’re over the age of 50, have heart or lung issues of any kind or diabetes, you are on COVID’s hit list.  

A quick run through the N.T. epistles will show that God promises peace, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and more.  However, tomorrow is not on the list.  We are not promised to live through this pandemic, let alone the night.

When doubts prevail, the question that should come into our minds is, “ARE YOU PREPARED?”  Do you truly believe the Gospel?  You are a sinner (Rm 3:23).  COVID is a result of sin.  If COVID is what kills you, know that ultimately sin is what killed you and there are only two paths to walk from that final breath.  Is Christ alone where your hope is found?  God sent His own Son to the cross, just so sinners could be freed from their sin and escape His impending wrath.  Now Jesus sits in heaven next to God, saying to all sinners, “I have done it.  I have taken My Father’s wrath that you’ve earned.  Don’t try to earn what’s free.  This is a gift of love and righteousness.  Forgiveness is here.  I have it.  You must believe it and repent.”

Sinner, there is a comfort in this time of fear and chaos.  He is in control of all things—the virus, the molecules that make up the virus, the atoms that make up the molecules—all of it is in His perfect control.  Jesus commands everyone’s destiny.  Only a Christian, someone who has truly believed in the Gospel and truly repented for their sin can say with boldness, “No power of hell nor scheme of man can ever pluck me from His hand.  Till He returns or calls me home, here in the power of Christ I stand.”

If Jesus comes again, or if the body is destroyed by infection, the future is sure for those who know and trust in Him. He will certainly care for His people.  Jesus made a way for forgiveness through the cross.  He offers forgiveness and once you have received this forgiveness then you can sing with His church, “Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me for I am His and He is mine.”  When your heart has believed these things, His care over your destiny is the greatest of comforts.