As we complete the second consecutive week of live streaming our Worship Service, there are so many things to be thankful for (especially with the help of modern technology):
We can sing along as Enoch leads us in worship
We can watch and listen to the Word of God being preached by Jon Buck
We can watch and listen to Jason Park’s Eschatology class
We can watch and listen to Jon Buck as he leads us through the book of Hebrews for Care Group
We can watch and read the daily blogs posted by our pastors
What a blessing to be taught the Word of God in so many different ways! What a blessing that we can still worship God in the midst of our Shelter-in-Place orders.
As I left the church office after live streaming the worship service, there was something missing…something incomplete…something was not the same. Even though we sang and heard the preaching of Word of God, there was a compartment in my heart that was lacking. I didn’t have to think long to figure out this dilemma. It was quite evident. Today, and last Sunday, was not the same because I didn’t get to see you, my brothers and sisters in Christ! We were unable to meet TOGETHER to sing TOGETHER and worship TOGETHER and pray TOGETHER and fellowship TOGETHER. This reiterated to me the preciousness of the church and more specifically, the preciousness of Faith Bible Church! The church is so dear, Christ “gave Himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25). This is how beloved each of you are and how valuable FBC is.
Not being together deepened my longing for fellowship with our church family. I’m sure this longing is in all of you because God intended the Christian life to be others focused. Next to loving God with all of our heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:36-37), Jesus instructed us to love our neighbor. So, God intended for us to love Him and love one another. To guide us, God’s Word gives us over 50 “one another” commands. Why? So that we can show our love for God by loving and serving others. And where does this take place? At FBC on Sundays and at Care Groups and getting together during the week. This is what’s missing…this is the void in our hearts…and this is why it’s just not the same. Until we are able to gather together, I encourage all of you to stay connected with one another using the technology we have. Get creative on how we can serve one another (1 Peter 4:10). And the one thing we can all do is PRAY for one another (James 5:16).