Aren’t you so glad for the blood of Christ?


by Jason Park

 1 John 1:7 says it “cleanses us from all sin.” This is the blessing we receive from the point of salvation on as we enter into fellowship with God (1 Jn 1:6).  

 Isn’t there so much sin left in us? So much impatience, grumbling, coveteousness, envy, impure lust, anger…so much wickedness remains (Jas 1:21).  

I saw someone tear down a public official on a live stream today. She was so incensed by this official’s actions that she publicized her home address so that people could go there and presumably protest on her front yard. Watching this person get so angry made me sad…but it also aroused pride and self-righteousness. What is she doing? turned into I would never do that. Maybe I wouldn’t act that way in public. But I can and do act that way in the privacy of my own heart while maintaining a good face.  

So, how can I think I’m better than her, or anyone else? 

I’m not! There is so much filthiness left in me. Who do I think I am? Self-saved? Self-sanctified? Sadly, I sometimes think this way when I disconnect from the reality that I am saved by grace alone.  

Jesus’ blood is the only reason I am who I am. It’s the only reason I know the gravity and evil of my sin. It’s the only reason I want to and can fight the good fight of faith. It’s the only reason I know that the sin that still dwells in my flesh will one day be no more. 

My Father is still working on me. And when I realize how insidious my sins are, then I know how much further He has to go. But He is going. And that brings so much hope and comfort in the thick of the battle. 

I hope you’re staying encouraged during this season…to fight sin with faith in His promises…to say “No” to evil by His grace…and to repent and receive His forgiveness when you fail to walk as He walks. Jesus’ blood never fails to cover, to cleanse, and to cause you to stand firm in His grace.