Christmas, Our Example


by Jon Buck

“Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men.” ~ Phil 2:5-7

The great and glorious reality of Christmas is that Jesus has come in the flesh. Paul describes this reality is great detail in Philippians 2. Jesus existed in the form of God—He was God very God. 

In that state of divinity, He did not regard equality with God as something that He had to grasp for. He didn’t hold on to His rights. He was willing to lay down every expectation. There was nothing He clung to in His divinity. 

Instead, He emptied Himself. He gave up His rights as God, and entered into the very creation that He had made! He was willing to take the greatest step down that has ever been taken in the history of the universe. And the Bible tells us that this is the greatest demonstration of love that has ever occurred.

And remarkably, Paul tells us that this is our example. We are supposed to have this same attitude in ourselves that was in Christ. We are to follow Him in letting go of status, letting go of expectations, letting go of personal desires, letting go of every selfish ambition. 

Instead, we are called to love others. To give ourselves to them in kindness. To serve them, rather than to expect to be served by them. To lay down every expectation of others, and to give ourselves up for them!

And, of course, on Christmas morning, surrounded by family, this may seem somewhat easier than previously thought. But remember, Jesus died for His enemies. He gave Himself up for those who hated Him. He demonstrated His love by dying for those who were sinners. 

And this is our call—not to simply tolerate others, but to love them! To love our family with selfless abandon. To love our friends and neighbors and display that love through service. And perhaps most Christ-like of all, to love our enemies, to do good to them, and to follow the example of our Savior. When we know ourselves loved in this way, we will love others with the same love!

Merry Christmas!