The True King


by Jon Buck

“Therefore Pilate said to Him, “So You are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” ~ John 19:37

In the final days of His life, Jesus went back and forth between world leaders. From Pilate to Herod, and back to Pilate again, before being condemned to die by the demand of the Jews. 

As He stood before these leaders, willingly submitting Himself to the governing authorities established by His Father, He spoke many words of truth. However, in His conversation with Pilate, He has a fascinating conversation. 

Pilate asks Christ if He is a King, and Christ responds in the affirmative. Jesus is indeed a King. All the human authorities around Him—Pilate, Herod, Caesar, and the rest—were nothing. The true King was Jesus. He had the only true authority to rule over the nation of Israel, and indeed over the world. 

And yet, He stands before Pilate, submitting Himself to questioning by the rulers of the world. 

But why? 

He tells us Himself. He was born, and has come into the world, for a single purpose. The purpose for His coming into the world was not to take His rightful place as King, but to testify to the truth of the Gospel. He hadn’t yet come to rule, to reign, or to judge, but had come to be a witness regarding the Gospel. 

But had anyone heard? Had anyone ‘believed the message’ as the prophet Isaiah had asked (53:1)?  Jesus says that they have indeed—everyone who is of the truth hears His message of the Gospel and believes. 

This promise—the promise of forgiveness for sins through the death He is about to endure—when believed, brings the believer into the truth. 

Hearing is believing. And believing is being part of the very truth of the Gospel. 

The one who is of the truth is no longer subject to Pilate, Herod, Caesar or the others. Instead, he is subject to Christ. He is ‘of the truth.’ 

Jesus was born to lead a new group of people—a new nation—as their true King. This King and His people willingly submit to the earthly authorities and understand that this world is not their home and their King has led them into true freedom through the truth. 

Christmas is the call of the Gospel to join with the true King who has come as a witness of the truth. Are you a part of His kingdom? Do you hear His voice?