The Word Became Flesh


by Jason Park

As we close in on week of Christmas, let’s be honest with ourselves and let’s be honest with God. We can do both by asking this simple question: Do we know Christ? Do I know Him as my Lord and Savior? Do I know Him as the One who died on the cross for my sins? Do I know Him as the One who gives me eternal life? 

In knowing Christ, what’s so wonderful is that He has made Himself known to us first. We did not discover Him. We did not arrive at the truth about Him through our intelligence or our diligence.

Rather, God gave Him to us in the flesh to dwell among us (John 1:14). And many physically saw His glory. And many more spiritually have seen and do see His glory in the gospel (2 Cor 3:18; 4:4, 6). 

So, Christmas means God is gracious to make Himself known through His Son to sinners like us. It means that the Word (Jesus) became flesh because God loves the world, because God has a grand rescue mission to save His enemies and bring us into family-fellowship with Him.

He did all this through the One who existed before the cosmos was created. The One who has a higher rank than the best of the prophets. The One whose glory is that “of the only begotten from the Father.” The One who is “full of grace and truth.”

This One enfleshed Himself to live among us. To die for us. To implant Truth in our minds. And to pour out Grace into our hearts. To reveal divine glory to us that we might know Him and be with Him forever. 

Do you know Christ? Christmas tells us that He has made the first move to show us who He is. Let’s know Him by faith. Let’s press on to know Him deeper still.