Perfect Timing


by Jason Park

Do you tend to arrive early or late to appointments? Does the party start when the invitation says it’s supposed to start or when everyone arrives?

Each of us invariably falls into one of these camps. And we try to be on time. But it can be a challenge as schedules fill up. We are often hard-pressed to make time or be on time.

Thankfully, God has a different relationship with time. He created it; He stands over it. He is never rushed, never late, never making up for lost time, never trying to find time. His timing is always perfect, down to the second.

What seems late or early to us just seems that way. But with God, since He has planned every detail from eternity past, history unfolds with divinely exacting precision.

So, at the right time, Jesus Christ was born. Paul says in Galatians 4:4, “when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son.” The timing was just ripe. Not a minute too early or late, but when everything that needed to be fulfilled up to that point was fulfilled, God sent forth His long-awaited Son to give His people – us – the knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of our sins (Luke 1:77).

Think about everyone who longed for His coming (1 Pet 1:10-12; Heb 11:39-40). Generations of saints waited for their Messiah to no avail. But only when God determined it was right, He sent His forth His Son into Mary’s womb through the Holy Spirit.

Just marvel at how all the moving pieces of Christ’s birth fell into place, not by accident, but by God’s power and grace. Worship the Lord that He executed His will so that we would be those “upon whom the ends of the ages have come” (1 Cor 10:11). So, let’s rest in God’s timing. It’s always wisest and best – whether in the incarnation or in any area of our lives.

He knows what He’s doing.