Kindness and Love


by Jason Park

Have you ever considered how we expect people to be kinder during Christmas? During Christmas, we expect the world to somehow automatically extend kindness and love in ways it isn’t moved to do so during the rest of the year.

But here’s the cold, hard truth: Christmas also brings out the worst in us. It brings out impatience, jealousy, grumbling, harshness, and all manner of selfishness. Non-profits make their biggest fundraising push during this season because, after all, it’s Christmas. But the season has no magic power to change us…decorations, lights, egg nog, gifts, etc., have no power to transform a world “enslaved to various lusts and pleasures” (Titus 3:3). 

In fact, we should know better. Paul reminds Titus in the same verse that “we also once were foolish ourselves.” So, how can we “be ready for every good deed” out of peacable and gentle hearts (Titus 3:1)? How can we show “every consideration for all men” (Titus 3:2)? We can consistently and comprehensively show kindness and love because “the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared” when Jesus was born (Titus 3:4).

Spreading Christmas cheer only happens because Christmas cheer has graciously invaded our sin-cursed world and then our sin-cursed hearts. Because when God’s kindness and love appeared, God saved us not by our kindness but by His mercy (Titus 3:5). He saved us by washing us brand new by the Holy Spirit whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior (Titus 3:5-6). 

Christmas confirms God’s kindness and love for all mankind, even for the whole rabble of rebels who did not see fit to love Him as He deserves and show kindness to each other. So, when we get together with our families, and tensions can run high (even though we’re supposed to be kind!), let’s remember His kindness and love toward each of us. Let’s consider that when those appeared in the birth of our Savior, it meant that we would be children of God (Titus 3:7). And let that reality seep into us till we exude kindness and love to each other, no matter what.