Shining as Lights in Darkness


by Jon Buck

“Do all things without grumbling or disputing; so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world.” ~ Phil. 2:14-15

As we wait together for the results of the election and the certain court battle to come, I am reminded again that my calling as a Christian has very little to do with who is President, or who controls the House of Representatives, or who is on the Supreme Court, etc. 

Oh, of course these leaders influence day to day life. Much may change in the coming years. Things may grow increasingly dark as various men and women come to power. In fact, I might venture to guess that, based on the way the Bible explains the end of the world, things WILL grow increasingly dark. There will likely be religious and moral darkness that increases. There will likely be political and civil darkness that increases. Much may change in the coming years. 

But all of this matters very little in terms of my calling as a Christian. 

God has called me (and you, if you’re saved) to shine as a light in this world filled with darkness, perversion and crookedness. God wants His children shining, and what better way to make them really stand out, then to surround them with darkness. 

But how to shine? That’s the question. When all the world around you grows dark, how do you shine? 

The answer, according to Paul, is to do all things without grumbling or disputing. ALL things! 

‘Do’ social media without disputing. 
‘Do’ tax returns without grumbling. 
‘Do’ personal interactions with others who disagree without disputing. 
‘Do’ news-watching without grumbling. 

….but how….? Because my heart can tend to grumble and dispute frequently. 

The answer is in the verse - as children of God. Ah - there it is! I don’t need to grumble, complain or dispute because I am a child of the Sovereign God of the Universe. He’s my Dad, and He’s caring for every detail. All that comes to me is from His loving hand. Why would I grumble? Why would I dispute? Instead, I can trust Him, and give thanks rather than grumble, and love rather than dispute.