One Great King


by Jon Buck

And the city has no need of the sun or of the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God has illumined it, and its lamp is the Lamb. The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it. ~ Rev. 21:23-24

Today is election day. 

I can vividly remember the many times I’ve personally voted, as well as the elections that happened when I was too young to vote. These are special times, as Americans exercise their civil right to choose the next leaders of our nation. 

However, with today’s elections so hotly contested, and so much apparently ‘on the line’ in terms of policy, I’ve been thinking this morning about the true King of the world. 

Sovereign in elections
The concept of God’s sovereignty is clear in Scripture. The Lord governs over all things, and Paul tells us that the powers that be are ‘established by God’ (Rom. 13:1). This concept is understandable when a single Caesar takes power in a coup. However, it is far more remarkable in a representative democracy like ours. 

Consider for a moment the massive authority of God. The winner of today’s election will be chosen, not by Americans, but by the Lord of all Americans. God is sovereign over every person who steps into the ballot box or mails in their ballot, the counting process, voter fraud, battleground states, and mismanaged tallies. Not a single event over the next few days falls outside of His absolute sovereignty. And when a winner is declared, that man will be ultimately chosen by God. 

Purposeful ends
This, of course, begs the obvious question—what if a candidate wins who brings America to her knees? How is this a good thing? 

The answer, as John saw in Revelation 21, is that no nation is preeminent. America, for all her blessings to us, is simply another nation in the massive gathering of nations that God has ordained. And those who know Christ as their Savior will someday come and bring all their glories into the New Jerusalem in worship of the one Great King over all kings—Jesus Christ. 

Perhaps God’s plan is to continue to use America as a source of truth and light for the Gospel in various ways. Or, perhaps God’s plan is to bring America to her knees, and to put our society through a trying time. He has certainly done the latter in previous generations and with other nations. Either way, God is good, and His purposes will stand. He will bring about the end of all things, and will place His Son, Jesus Christ, on the throne of the New Jerusalem. 

So, as you watch election day unfold, remember: Jesus is the True King, America is a small cog in God’s ultimate plan to glorify Him, and today’s outcome will not change your eternal destiny. Sit back, grab some chips, and watch the Lord work His will out in the world.