Pride vs. Molech ~ Voting in 2020


by Jon Buck

“They built the high places of Baal that are in the valley of Ben-hinnom to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire to Molech, which I had not commanded them nor had it entered My mind that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.” ~ Jer. 32:35

I think, among those who will read this, there will be very little disagreement. However, in an effort to speak to the events of our day, I wanted to write a quick post about abortion. 

In the past few weeks I have read several articles by men who I would consider to be within our theological camp comparing pride, boasting, racism, and other such sins with abortion. The argument follows that a vote for a proud and boastful candidate who is pro-life in policy is the same as a vote for a different candidate who is not pro-life. 

This is, in my estimation, a gross misunderstanding of the ethical issues at stake in the elections that we have the freedom to participate in. 

Pride is certainly a sin, and a damnable one. The first thing on the list of seven sins that God hates is haughty eyes (Prov. 6:16). Pride is the core evil that leads all humanity into the various sins that it commits. However, pride is not of the same ilk as murder, any more than coveting is the same as theft. While both are sins, one has far greater consequence. 

Israel’s sin, and ours
No wonder, then, that God so vehemently condemns the children of Israel for their wickedness in murdering their children to the idol Molech. Of course there were countless proud men in Israel at that time, and God condemns them for their pride as well (Psalm 101:5, Jer. 9:4). But the sin which draws out God’s heart in absolute despair is the sacrifice of their children. 

The Lord says that it had not ‘entered His mind that they should do this abomination’. The murder of their children was so abhorrent to God that he could scarcely believe that they would do such a thing! While God was sovereign, this sin was such an egregious violation of His revealed will that it stunned him. 

The slaughter of innocent lives by abortion in America is a wickedness of a greater caliber than the sins of Israel. They killed a few children to the idol Molech. Since the last election, more than 2 million innocent children have perished. 

November, 2020
I do not pretend to endorse either candidate. Neither is a Christian by any stretch of the imagination, and both are proud men. The third party candidates are also proud men, by and large, rather than paragons of virtue. 

However, when I step into the ballot box in November, I will refuse to vote for a candidate who supports the murder of the unborn. This is not a statement of moral superiority. I am a sinner like both of the men running for President. 

But, because God has saved me, and opened my eyes to His glory, I will not vote for a candidate who exults in a sin that God finds so reprehensible. I will not vote for a man or woman who considers murder a fundamental right. I may hold my nose while I vote for the other candidate, but I simply won’t cast my vote for murder.