Why Does God Allow False Teachers?


by Jon Buck

“For there must also be factions among you, so that those who are approved may become evident among you.” ~ 1 Corinthians 11:19

I can often catch myself questioning God regarding why He allows false teachers to continue teaching. I can understand why He would allow theological chaos to reign in the world, but when it comes to the church, why wouldn’t he put false teachers out or destroy their ministries? 

Paul explains God’s purposes in the verse above. When divisions occur, and false teachers wreak havoc on the church, this simply puts attention on those that are approved by God. Both the false and true believers become ‘evident’, and Paul explains. 

God remains in sovereign control. False teachers simply reveal the reality of what was in their hearts from the very start. Those that follow them, while less culpable, are revealing the same thing about themselves. 

God’s purpose in false teaching is therefore good. He is simply uncovering the hearts of the teachers and followers in plain sight for all to see. Allowing falsehood to exist produces a good result, as the purveyors of falsehood are no longer able to hide in the shadows. 

God uses evil people, evil events, and evil doctrine to carry out a good purpose in His church. While we may love those who go astray, and long for their renewal, God’s purposes stand. He will protect His church, and will sometimes use false teachers to accomplish that end. I need not question His purposes, but only truth that, in spite of all that I may feel, His goodness is over all His works.