COVID Can Kill Our Church!


by Jon Buck

"Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this—not to put an obstacle or a stumbling block in a brother’s way.” ~ Romans 14:13

My dear friends, I write this blog today with a heart of petition before God for each of us. We are in the midst of unprecedented times as a church family, and I want to appeal to each of you regarding the current COVID crisis. 

The title of this blog is designed to shock. COVID-19, regardless of the statistics that seem to change daily, represents a serious global health crisis—perhaps the largest of this generation. 

But COVID-19 is not the most deadly thing for churches in America. Neither is cancer, heart disease, or any other sickness for that matter. 

The most deadly thing for churches in America right now is the polarization of the church in areas of conscience. 

Friends, don’t judge! 
Regardless of your perspective on the COVID crisis, the wearing of masks, or the California Health Department, we must be convinced in our own minds. But these issues can do FAR more than hurt our bodies. 

They can destroy our church and tarnish the name and glory of Jesus Christ. 

And the way that will happen is if we allow ourselves to judge one another in our hearts. 

Paul’s point in Romans 14:13 is just that—the stumbling block that we can place in front of another person is through judging them in areas that are conscience issues! Paul, amazingly says that rather than judging each other, we should judge ourselves that we don’t hurt our brothers and sisters!  

Rather, LOVE! 
Just like the speed limit, when it comes to masks, social distancing, and church gathering, we may approach what obedience looks like differently. Nevertheless, each of us will give an account to Christ for what we have done. 

However, if we judge each other in these areas, we are sinning against the Lord Jesus Christ. And, if we allow ourselves to judge, we will eventually tear away from our brothers and sisters, and go find others who share our conscience perspectives. How sad to see us lose love for the sake of COVID! 

The only way to fight this danger is through love! 

If we love one another, we will joyfully keep our opinions to ourselves, and love those who have different opinions than we do. 

And so, my prayer today is that during these challenging times, we would love one another well, and we would guard our hearts against judgment. This is the only way forward that will bring glory and honor to Christ!