Serve Because You ‘Get’ To, Not Because You ‘Have’ To


by Jon Buck

“To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ.”  ~ Eph. 3:8

Paul’s ministry was anything but easy. A quick perusal of the book of Acts, along with the list of 2 Cor. 11:16-29 should make it clear that Paul understood suffering.  These trials weren’t just the basic things—long work days, exhaustion, poverty—Paul was truly persecuted in incredibly painful ways. 

When Paul considered his ministry, though, he didn’t see it as a cause for grumbling or complaining. Instead, Paul was stunned that the Lord would allow him to serve! He says that it was a ‘grace’ that he didn’t deserve. 

He saw himself as the least of all the saints, and therefore unworthy of the blessing of the ministry he received. He had killed Christians and persecuted the work of God. How blessed and graced he was to be able to now serve the very One against Whom he had rebelled. 

This is instructive for us. When God’s love for us, and His grace to us in Christ, is truly known and loved, it produces a willingness to serve Him. 

None of us will likely face the kind of pains that Paul did (though some may!). But we  will nevertheless have struggles in service. Even in the most trying of circumstances, we have the great privilege of worshiping and serving Christ! This isn’t something we are forced to do, but something we receive as a gracious gift from God.