Lacking Community? You’re Called to Love, Because You’re Loved


by Jon Buck

“This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.”  ~ John 15:13

I’m not a naturally outgoing person. Ask my wife. She’ll affirm that I tend to be socially awkward and struggle with conversation. Put me in a room of people I don’t know, and I’ll go home exhausted. 

I genuinely envy those who are able to carry on a conversation without struggling. We all know them - the dear folks in church who ask the best questions, have great conversations, and get to know others quickly. These things are remarkable gifts from the Lord—I just don’t have them! 

The problem is…
However, the fact that I don’t have that gift, and that I can struggle at times, can turn into an excuse quickly. I can begin to ‘let myself off the hook’ easily, patting myself on the back by thinking that my gifts are different. 

While that is true, it comes with a dangerous result. I can eventually begin slouch into never reaching out, never getting to know, and always having the excuse of my ‘gifts’ to fall back on. 

This can quickly lead me to blame others for my lack of relationships. I can dangerously begin to look at others and demand that they love me. After all, the church is supposed to be about community! And why shouldn’t others offer that to me? 

But, of course, the problem isn’t everyone else. The problem is me. 

The solution is…
Notice that Jesus commands the disciples to love one another. That’s a command to all of them, but a command to each of them individually. They are EACH to love the others. When they do that, they’ll love one another. 

Christ doesn’t command them to BE loved, but commands them to love. 

But of course, how is that possible? One of the disciples in that room heard that command and later told us how to keep it. John explained that ‘We love because He first loved us.’ (1 John 4:19)

All that you lack in love…all the soul-satisfying community you desire…all the care and comfort you need is found in Christ’s love for you! The One by Whom the universe exists LOVES you, and died for your sins! 

Let that sink in. 

As you’re satisfied in that reality, you’ll reach out in love because you’ve been loved.