Do You Have to ‘Feel Like’ Reading Your Bible?


by Jon Buck

“What should I do if I don’t feel like reading my Bible?”

This is a common question among many Christians. You might have even felt this yourself at various points in your Christian life. Sometimes, when we feel cold to God’s Word, this can cause guilt, doubt, and concerns over our assurance. 

Maybe you’ve found yourself wondering, “If I’m really saved, why don’t I feel like reading my Bible more?”

Feelings BEFORE Faith?
The answer to this dilemma is to recognize the danger of lumping all feelings together into a single mass. Not all feelings are good feelings, and not all feelings are bad feelings. 

The problem is the order of things. 

Feelings that come before faith in God’s word aren’t generally good feelings. Feelings of doubt, lack of desire to read, and anxiety are actually sinful feelings! 

So how do we change those feelings? The answer, very simply, is faith. We need to believe in order to deal with those sinful feelings. But the problem, of course, is where to find faith in moments when we feel cold, apathetic, and doubtful. 

The Bible tells us to find faith in the Word. 

“Now, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word about Christ.” ~ Romans 10:17

When we find ourselves with sinful feelings, we are in danger. The very worst thing we can do is allow that guilt to keep us from reading our Bibles! Instead, we need to respond to those guilty feelings by opening the Bible and READING! Faith comes to us by hearing the word about Christ—the word that Jesus loves us, and gave himself up for us. 

So what should you do if you don’t feel like reading your Bible? Read it. Read it again. Keep reading it. And as you read, ask God to increase your faith in His love for you. 

Faith-fueled Feelings! 
But let’s not make feelings a bad thing either. The Bible is full of emotions! Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, etc., are all emotional things. But those feelings flow from the Spirit of God. 

When we believe the love of Christ for us, we find ourselves producing feelings that are good, right, and God-honoring. These feelings are good, and are the direct result of the work of God. 

In fact, amazingly, Paul tells us that a love for our neighbor is the fulfillment of the whole law! That internal affection for a neighbor will produce holiness in the life…nothing else will! (1 Cor. 13:1-3)

So, fight false feelings with faith (through disciplined Bible reading!), and let faith fuel your Spiritual feelings!