Finding Weaknesses, Filling Holes in the Church


by Jon Buck

“But now there are many members, but one body.” ~ 1 Corinthians 12:20

It can often be easy to diagnose weakness or flaw. We all, by nature, tend to be able to see the places where things are broken. We can find the holes and brokenness rather quickly. We notice the typo. We note the chipped paint. We think about the unsightly scratches. 

This is also true in the church. It can be very simple to diagnose weakness in the body of Christ. We can observe the church, and say, “We are weak in this or that area.” And, to be fair, our diagnosis is generally correct. It isn’t hard to find flaws, point out weaknesses, and identify where holes exist. 

However, Paul, in 1 Corinthians 12, describes the church as the body of Christ. He carries the analogy through the chapter, explaining that the body has many members with different functions. Each of those members is incredibly valuable. Imagine not having eyes, hands, feet…each member of the body is crucial for the full functioning of the body of Christ. 

When we (rightly) diagnose a weakness in the body, I think Paul would encourage us to consider if God is calling US to fill that hole, patch that flaw, or heal that weakness. More often than not, the one who can best diagnose the problems is the very one whom God has gifted to FIX the problems. 

Of course, without question, there are weaknesses in our church. And, as we all see them, what a blessing to consider how God might be calling us to fix the very problems we have observed! No two people are made exactly the same. When weaknesses show up, we can happily and joyfully consider whether God has gifted us to be the helping agent in causing the body to be healthy.