God’s Glorious Provision


by Jon Buck

“He waters the mountains from His upper chambers; The earth is satisfied with the fruit of His works.” ~ Psalm 104:13

Yesterday I drove from California to Denver, CO. It was a beautiful trip, filled with a wide variety of landscapes. 

The desert across much of California and Utah is filled with beauty—steep bluffs, distant views, and Joshua trees. This gives way to the western slope of Colorado, with beautiful views and steep canyons cut through by the Colorado river. Then come the Rockies, covered with pine forests with rocky peaks jutting out into the sky. 

And beyond all this, in every location there is wildlife. Bugs, small reptiles, small mammals, larger predators. The earth is teeming with life—often life that no one will ever see. 

The entire trip—all 1000 miles—is truly lovely. I spent the time admiring the views, and being stunned by God’s glory on display in creation. From massive panoramic views, down to the smallest bugs on tiny plants, He is majestically creative. 

But these are not still images! The most marvelous thing is that He is constantly providing for all His creation. The earth finds its sustenance from His hand. This is, of course, clearly seen in the mountains, where the snow provides the moisture for so much plant life. David says that God waters the mountains from His chambers. 

But even in the desserts, He is providing for the life He has created there. In fact, David tells us the earth and all that is in it is satisfied by His works. There are places that no human eye will ever see, but the Lord is providing for them every day. 

God’s stunning provision all around us should remind us that the Lord will provide for us. Jesus reminded His followers of the same—God’s goodness and provision for the flowers and the birds are displaying His care for us as well. If He can do these majestic things with ease, how much more meet our needs day by day?