Paul’s Morning Routine


by Jon Buck

“…the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” ~ Gal 2:20

Have you ever wondered what Paul’s life must have been like on a day to day basis? I sometimes find myself thinking about his morning routine, and what life on the road must have been like for him. 

The New Testament doesn’t tell us much about what Paul did on a day to day basis. We know quite a bit about his travels. We also know that he preached long sermons (Acts 20:7-12). We know that he worked as a tent maker. But we don’t know much about his daily routine. 

However, there’s one place where we hear something important about what protected Paul’s heart on a day to day basis. 

In Gal 2:20, Paul talks about the life he lived ‘in the flesh’. In this context, Paul is referring to his daily life in his body. 

Paul describes his daily physical life in spiritual terms. For him, what happened in his heart was the groundwork for his daily life. We know that because he says that every day was lived ‘by faith in the Son of God’. 

He lived his daily life trusting in the Son of God and walking closely with Him. 

And what was Paul specifically believing moment by moment of his earthly life? Two things—that Jesus loved him, and that Jesus died on the cross for him. Those two realities anchored Paul’s heart day by day. 

We may not know what Paul’s daily external life was like, but we do know Paul’s daily internal life.  He lived reminding himself every day of His Savior’s love, displayed through His death on the cross.