Remembering Their End


by Jon Buck

“Then they will go forth and look on the corpses of the men who have transgressed against Me. For their worm will not die and their fire will not be quenched; and they will be an abhorrence to all mankind.” ~ Isa. 66:24

During polarizing political times, we need to keep in mind the stunning reality that those who die without Christ will spend eternity in hell. 

Notice - it isn’t those who die Democrat or Republican. It isn’t about your stance on any single political issue. While those things are important, the question is far simpler and more profound. The question is regarding the state of their soul. 

Anger or Pity?
When we see unbelievers acting in really obnoxious ways, it can be easy to feel anger toward them for their failures. We can feel we have the political and moral high ground, and then act out that self-righteousness in anger. 

However, the reality of Isa. 66:24 should always be in our minds. Their worm will never die. Their fire will never be quenched. 

Just listen to that reality again and again. They will suffer pain and punishment for their sins FOREVER. Ought we not feel more pity for them than anger, no matter how distasteful their political views? 

This doesn’t mean we can’t voice our disagreement. But our heart attitudes are important when it comes to expressing our opinions on political matters. Are we angry and disgusted? Or do we remember that without the Spirit, we were in the same boat, and instead feel pity?