Fighting the Dullness


by Jon Buck

“These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” ~ John 15:11

My natural tendency is toward idleness, and apathy creeps into my heart often. 

The recent COVID lockdown has left me a bit dull, to be honest. Everything ground to a halt, and the nation was stuck at home. At first it was frustrating, but then it became the new normal. Eventually, normal feels nice. 

Now that life is beginning to wind back up again, I find myself apathetic at times. The dullness of NOT doing things has lulled me into believing that it’s better to remain as I am—idle. 

This is terribly dangerous. 

When I find myself tempted to live in the apathy that the COVID crisis has created, I need to remind myself that God’s commands are designed for my joy. I need to remember that God loves me, and He has promised that walking in obedience to His Word will result in true happiness (John 15:11). 

Of course, everyone has a different level of comfort when it comes to the virus, and we need to love one another as we walk through this time. However, we all need to be conscious of the danger in our hearts toward dullness. 

Obeying that craving to be idle will only produce sorrow. Obeying God will produce joy!