Build with Bricks, NOT Air


by Jon Buck

“…knowledge puffs up, but love edifies.” ~ 1 Cor 8:1

Paul writes to the Corinthian church about food sacrificed to idols. Importantly, Paul is appealing to the church to be very careful with participating in certain actions because they can cause others to stumble. 

However, some in the church in Corinth had appealed to the fact that everyone ‘knows’ that idols are nothing but wood or stone, and therefore, with that knowledge, they should feel free to eat the meat. 

In other words, the church was using their ‘knowledge’ to act against Paul’s instruction regarding idol worship. 

Tricky situation
Paul’s answer needed to be carefully crafted. It is true that idols are just wood and stone, and therefore, the knowledge that the Corinthians held was true! However, that knowledge had caused them to act in proud ways, even to the point of falling into idol worship. 

Paul’s answer needed to affirm the truth but critique the conclusion. 

Two ways to build
His answer is that there are two ways to build—one is to build with air, and the other is to build with bricks. 

Paul says that knowledge alone ‘puffs up’. When we think we know something but do not have love, it does nothing but fill us with pride. It’s true, knowledge is growth, in one sense, but it is growth in proud self-righteousness, and is not pleasing to God. 

But Paul says that there is a better way. Love, he says, edifies. The word used is for the building of a house, and meant to strengthen something. 

Paul wants them to build with knowledge, but knowledge with love. Love builds with bricks in ourselves and in others because it is not simply intellectual, but it is connected to God Himself. 

The Corinthians were relying on their knowledge and were acting in pride, and as a result were hurting others. But Paul’s answer is not to reject knowledge, but to let knowledge be influenced by love. 

When we truly, from the heart, love others, we can share knowledge with them and use our knowledge for their good as we seek to grow them into the image of Christ. 

Both knowledge and love build, but love builds to last.