Growing by Speaking Truth in Love


by Jon Buck

“…but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ…” ~ Eph 5:15

These days, social media is exploding with debates regarding the notions of racism, oppression, violence, looting and the like. Perhaps you, like me, have seen well-meaning Christian brothers and sisters venting their frustrations toward one another regarding these issues. 

These are certainly polarizing times. Nevertheless, we must speak at times. 

However, we must remember that growth into Christlikeness will not be the result of public bickering. If we are to grow, and if we are to genuinely help others grow, the means of that will be speaking truth in love. 

Speaking in love
We must remember that love for others must govern all our conversations. We must start with a  heart of love for those who may disagree with us. 

Further, Peter tells us that love covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8). There may be a host of things that others say that we disagree with, but we need not correct everyone. 

Finally, speaking in love may be most wisely done in private. Facebook, Instagram and the like are public forums. Would it not be better to have these discussions in private? Most social media platforms allow private or direct messaging. Rather than defile the name of Christ by bickering publicly, private conversations might serve much better. 

Speaking the truth
Nevertheless, while love must govern, we must also be willing to speak the truth. Often, when dialogue is heated, we may think that silence is best. But we are called to speak the truth. 

Truth, particularly in the context here, is sound doctrine. We must be willing to speak sound words from the Scripture during times of unrest. 

It is not enough to offer personal opinions, to demand yes or no answers, or to argue with statistics. Of course these may have their places. But truth must come from Scripture. We must carefully and patiently consider how the Scriptures speak to the issues surrounding us, rather than by simply venting our emotions. 

To speak the truth in love is difficult. Nevertheless, this is the only means of growth for us, and for others. Let’s pray together that the Lord would give us wisdom during these complex times.