Wrath and Righteousness


by Jon Buck

“…for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” ~ James 1:20

James tells us that wrath never produces righteousness. 

The injustice that surrounds the George Floyd case should cause righteous anger to well up in our hearts. To watch a man murdered is an awful thing. 

The danger with anger, however, is that it grows rapidly when it isn’t carefully checked. The anger over George Floyd’s death has grown—the riots taking place around our country highlight that unchecked anger is explosive. 

The problem, of course, is that while the anger may be understandable, it will never result in righteousness. On the contrary, such displays of anger will only result in continued struggle on both sides. Acts of violence lead to fear, and fear leads to acts of violence—the cycle continues again and again. 

My own problem
As I watch events unfold, I am particularly convicted about times when I am angry. Whether with members of my family, circumstances, or others, anger never produces righteousness. 

The problem is that I have convinced myself that I can effect change through my displeasure. I take circumstances into my own hands, lash out in anger (whether verbally or internally in my heart), and try to ‘fix’ the situation. 

However, just as the current violence does not and will not result in righteous equality, even so, my anger will not produce righteousness. 

Remembering God’s sovereignty
The key to changing this perspective is to remember that God is sovereign. He is in perfect control over the circumstances that I face. My anger simply reminds me that I have stopped trusting in Him and in His goodness.