Satan's Scheme: Refusing to Forgive


by Jon Buck

“…so that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes.” ~ 2 Cor 2:11

When we think of Satan, we often conjure up images that appear in cartoons…red suit, pitch fork, pointy tail, etc. And when we think of his work in the world, we might be tempted to think of things that are overtly satanic, like the occult. 

But Satan is far more crafty than to tempt us with things that we can clearly see as satanic. He doesn’t tempt us with things that are obviously bad. Instead, he hides bad things under righteous robes. 

Paul’s wisdom
Paul understood Satan schemes, and he wanted the Corinthians to understand them, too. 

He tells them that he has forgiven an offending brother (for a history on this man, check out 1 Cor. 5:1-5) for the sake of Christ. The man had clearly repented (the ‘sorrow’ of 2 Cor 2:5). 

Rather than hold on to ‘justice’ in this case, Paul affirms their forgiveness and offers his as well, choosing to protect the church against Satan’s schemes. 

Because he understood how Satan works, he knew that holding onto a grudge against a repentant person would result in chaos and danger for the church. Temptation to self-righteousness and factionalism would be rampant. And so Paul offers his heartfelt forgiveness to that brother. 

Why Satan hates forgiveness
Why would Satan hate forgiveness? The answer should be painfully obvious. 

Forgiveness is precisely what God Himself has offered to the world through the death of His Son, Jesus Christ. Forgiveness is particularly divine (Matt. 6:12, Eph. 4:32). 

When believers forgive one another, offenses are removed, and unity is established and protected. 

However, when offense remains, sin runs rampant. Pride and self righteousness masquerade as ‘justice’. Condemnation of others hides under a veneer of ‘discernment’. Eventually, unity is destroyed and the glory of God in the church is tarnished. 

No wonder Satan hates forgiveness! 

Fighting Satan
So, how can we fight Satan? We can win the battle by offering forgiveness and love to everyone who offends us. No matter the offense, forgiveness disarms Satan. Love for enemies produces peace, and a witness of the Gospel (John 13:35). 

So, if you have someone in your life that has offended you, do the very opposite of what Satan would want…Love them. Forgive them. Do for them what God has already done for you!