Crying Out


by Jason Park

You don’t have to be in a flood of deep waters to cry out to God. 

Life and death trials are not the only times of desperation for the believer. There are those times of quiet desperation when you feel spiritually dull, living in a perpetual haze. Maybe you’re in that reality right now.  

And you can’t seem to get yourself out of the rut. And maybe you’ve resigned to this feeling. But deep inside, you know this isn’t right; you know feeling dry and out of it is not the sum of the Christian life. 

There may be no serious trials in your life. But you’re joyless; you’re not feeling up for spiritual things; you’re half-heartedly listening to sermons and reading the Bible. You’re looking for something and not finding it in Christ, you turn to media or daydreaming or physical activity to fill that hole inside you…but to no avail. 

Nothing in this world satisfies. It only deepens the thirst. Pretty soon, if you’re not there yet, you will be desperate. But take heart, that’s a good thing. God is working on you to help you see in what ways you’ve bought the lies of this world and rejected the fountain of life found in Christ.  

So, if you’re feeling dry, confess it to God. To seek satisfaction in anything else beside God is a sin. Open up your heart to Him. Let Him minister His forgiving, restoring, and purifying grace to your soul. Then cry out to Him to pour out His abundant compassion and love upon you.  

Keep at it. He hears the cries of the needy. Christ’s purchase of your soul by His blood guarantees that God will never withhold His love from you. He may have you in a season of soul-lowliness to deepen your faith.  But He hasn’t forsaken You.  

Cling to Christ. Cling to the promises of the gospel. And just cry out for help. Our sympathetic great High Priest ensures that our cries for grace and mercy will be answered.