In a Dry and Weary Land (A Riff on Psalm 63)


by Jason Park

I can get on these Twitter/Facebook “runs” that take up too much of my time. Coronavirus, social injustice, cancel culture, who’s right, who’s wrong…I get caught up in all the noise, and by the time I manage to slog my way out of the vortex, I’m exhausted. 

Now, I don’t think we should put our heads in the proverbial sand and not bibically deal with the issues at large. But is your heart experiencing the fatigue of everything that’s going on in our society? I know I am. And over-indulging in social media posts and following the news do not help me…except in one, unintended way: they remind me that God is the only One who can satisfy my soul. 

What am I looking for when reading all these posts? What’s my heart doing in that moment? Do I want control through knowledge? If I read enough, I can get a handle on that issue. If I get a handle on that issue, I’ll be on top of things. And I like that because it makes me feel as though I’m in control. 

OR, am I looking for something more exciting than the Bible? Is the Bible functionally dry to me? Knowing the latest Twitter trends can provide a quick surge of gratification. You feel like you’re in the in-crowd with a pulse on the nation. The Bible doesn’t specifically address the trends of the day. It can seem irrelevant. Plus, it requires meditation…faith…spiritual digestion. Twitter, Facebook, the news…they don’t. 

In all this, the Lord is convicting me that I’m looking for something else to satiate my thirst. I feel like I’m in a spiritually dry and weary land when I’m combing through the news, but like a dog returning to its vomit, I keep going back…when I should step back and see the power and glory of Christ in the gospel…when I should remember Him in on my bed…when I should remember the many times He’s satisfied my soul with His love. Because He is my God and His lovingkindness is better than life. How much truer is that for us because Christ is our God and our eternal life (1 John 5:20)? How much truer is my tasting of His kindness in saving me through the gospel (1 Pet 2:3)?  

I have every reason in Christ to sing for joy and cling to Him. He is so good. How often I fail to believe that! Thankfully, He forgives me when I confess my sins, and He restores to me the joy of my salvation.  

It’s good to stay abreast of the world’s affairs. But be careful. It can pull your heart away from Christ one post at a time. So, drink in some news. But be filled with His love and glory as you fill your heart with His Word.