Leading by Example In COVID


by Jon Buck

As a dad, I long for my kids to be obedient to God. I want them to be avid readers of God’s word. I want them to follow Christ. I want them to be good citizens. I want them to love others. Etc…

The desire for obedience to God is a good thing! God wants us to obey Him, and we want our kids to obey Him out of love, as well. 

However, our sentiments may be counteracted by our own actions. 

Just as Lakers’ fans raise other Lakers’ fans, our examples of life to our kids will eventually bear fruit in their lives. 

But of course, these examples aren’t always a direct one-for-one correlation. I’ve lately been helpfully corrected by my dear wife for texting in the car. I was in a ‘safe’ and ‘empty’ section of the road, and checked my text messages on my phone. But my wife pointed out that to do that was still a violation of the law. 

And she was right. 

I am obligated by God to obey the law. The law says to not text and drive. I broke the law. I chose to disobey God BY disobeying the government. 

Interestingly, this interaction has led me to think more about how my life impacts my kids far more than my words. I appeal to them to be submissive to their authorities (myself and their mom) and to obey from the heart. But if I choose areas where my submission is optional, what am I actually teaching them? 

And this extends beyond simply submission. 

If we tell our kids that reading the Bible is good, but they rarely see us having quiet time, what are we teaching them? 

If we tell our kids that ‘a soft answer turns away wrath’ but then yell at every bad driver on the freeway, what are we actually teaching them? 

If we tell our kids that we should ‘love our enemies’ but then complain about situations at work, what are we actually teaching them? 

Life in the Spirit 
Paul tells us that if we ‘walk by the Spirit we will not carry out the desires of the flesh’. During this season of COVID, when temptation to be fleshly is high, how much more critical that I walk according to the Spirit, living in Him, and obeying His commands. 

I can’t possibly keep my life free from hypocrisy in any other way. Unless I walk in the Spirit, I will carry out the desires of the flesh. It may not be precisely where I’ve talked with the kids, but the examples will play out, nevertheless.