Resources on Romans


by Jon Buck

As you know, we’ve been working through the book of Romans as a church family. The book is designed as an unfolding of the Gospel in all its glory. A simple outline of the book is below. 

I. Introduction - 1:1-1:17
II. Sin - 1:18-3:20
III. Justification - 3:21-5:21
IV. Sanctification - 6:1-8:39
V. What about Israel? - 9:1-11:36
VI. Application - 12:1-15:33
VII. Greetings and Conclusion - 16:1-27

The book effectively explains the beauties of the Gospel, and the implications that arise from the application of the Gospel to daily life. 

Helpful Commentaries
There are a TON of resources and commentaries on the book of Romans. Many of them are extremely helpful. The list I’ll present here is by no means exhaustive, and so if your favorite writer isn’t represented, don’t take it personally. 

Martyn Lloyd-Jones on Romans Lloyd Jones’ sermons are preserved in a large set offered by Banner of Truth Trust. The books are incredible, honestly! They are not particularly technical in the original languages, so they are very accessible. 

D. Barnhouse - Romans Donald Grey Barnhouse’s sermons on Romans are also preserved. They are very helpful as well. They come as a two volume set, and provide lots of rich information for an in depth study. They are also very conversational and easy to read. 

John Murray’s Commentary Very helpful analysis. Slightly more technical, but less wordy. Not sermons - just commentary. Easy to read. However, a bit expensive, as commentaries go! 

John MacArthur’s Romans Commentary Published by Moody, this set is very helpful as well. Not super technical, but provides extremely helpful information for study and understanding. The set is available on Kindle as well! 

Tom Schreiner Romans Commentary Lest you think all good commentators are named John, Tom Schreiner has an excellent commentary on the book. More technical in the original languages, this commentary provides lots of background and helpful information.