Need Wisdom?


by Jon Buck

“But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind.” ~ James 1:5-6

In seasons of difficulty, we often find ourselves struggling to determine the best way to act. We’ve all been there—a trial comes into our lives, and we don’t know how to respond. We might spend countless hours trying to determine what to do. 

Hours of Google searching. 
Reading endless articles. 
Asking countless advisors. 

We might even pray in our moments of desperation. 

None of these things are wrong, of course. It’s wise to have counsel. It’s good to seek wisdom. It’s wise to research and understand a subject. And of course, it’s important and wise to pray. 

But we can be left struggling and frustrated by a lack of clarity. Sometimes we even find ourselves blaming God for not ‘showing us’ what we need to know. 

James makes a stunning statement. He says that if you’re in this situation and you lack wisdom, ask God. He will absolutely give you wisdom, and will give it generously! God’s desire is to give you His wisdom, so that you can live for His glory. 

What’s more, James says that God gives without reproach. He doesn’t scoff at your lack of wisdom. He doesn’t condemn you because you don’t know what’s best. In fact, quite the opposite! He has sovereignly placed you in this situation SO THAT you seek Him and His wisdom! 

And so, James concludes, the God who has placed you here, and has a generous and kind heart, will give you the wisdom you need. 

However, James says that the request must be made in faith, rather than in doubt. Doubt is like a windstorm over the ocean. It tosses us all over the place. 

Doubt tells us that God isn’t good, or that God isn’t generous, or that God simply won’t give us the wisdom we need. When we doubt in this way, we are not trusting Him, and we won’t walk in the Spirit or have His wisdom that we need. 

But when we believe that He gives wisdom, we can confidently know that we have it, at that moment. Now - that doesn’t necessarily answer the questions we have. But it changes the way we’re thinking. 

Instead of desperately seeking answers, we are confident that God will provide the answers we need. We can research, read, and seek counsel knowing that God has our best in mind, and will deliver on the wisdom we need! 

So - ask God for the wisdom you need. Believe He loves you and will answer. Then pursue answers, trusting in His sovereign care!