The End and the Beginning


by Jon Buck

“Remember this and be assured; recall it to mind, you transgressors. Remember the former things long past, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, ‘My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all My good pleasure’.” 
~ Isa. 46:8-10

I enjoy studying and reading history. The stories of events in generations gone by are gripping to me because they deal with real people who experienced remarkable things. 

But the thing I like about history is that I generally know how things end. The Allies win the war, Lewis and Clark get home, and Adoniram Judson survives to start the church in Burma. I may like the intensity of the stories, but only because I’m confident about how each ends. 

Shadows and mist
Of course, the problem with my own life is that I never know how things will end. Will I get COVID-19? Will my family? Will loved ones die? Will the economy implode? Etc. Etc. Etc. 

So many questions must remain unanswered, as history unfolds day by day. 

And this lack of clarity is the root of sinful fear and anxiety. I fear because I do not know, and I do not know because I cannot control. And when I’m not in control, I’m afraid because I may very well not like the outcome of my circumstances. 

Not like ME
Interestingly, God knows that this is true, and He reminds the Jewish people of this truth through Isaiah the prophet. He tells them to remember one simple truth—He is God, and there is no one who compares to Him. 

The primary way that God differentiates Himself from all other beings is that He has the authority to declare the end from the beginning. In other words, God not only knows how my story ends, He wrote the story from beginning to end

Every detail, every molecule, every virus, every penny, every person is in His perfect and unshakable plan. He has declared it because He is God, and there is no other. 

His purposes
This truth can either be comforting or terrifying. If God is sovereign but not loving, then this is the scariest thing in the world. He will accomplish purposes, but they may be terrible for me. 

But if God is both sovereign and loving, then this is the very best news that I could possibly hear in my moments of fear. God has already declared exactly what will happen in my life, and will bring about His purposes for my good! 

Absolutely nothing will thwart God’s perfect purpose to bless me and conform me into the image of Christ, and bring me to His side forever. COVID, economies, sorrows, blessings, friends, enemies—all of them are simply brush strokes in a painting that is already complete.