The Lord’s Wisdom in Coronavirus


by Jon Buck

Psalm 104:27 ~ O Lord, how many are your works! In wisdom You have made them all;
The earth is full of your possessions.

I often find myself thinking that something could have been done better. Whether it’s a sermon I’m writing, a DIY project at home, or a child’s essay, there’s always room for improvement. 

But that isn’t true about the works of God. Everything the Lord does is wise—infinitely, perfectly wise. There is never a moment when God realizes He should have gone with ‘plan B’. No, ALL of his ways have been done in perfect wisdom. 

COVID-19 and God’s Wisdom
In seasons like the one we’re in, we may find ourselves thinking that God’s sovereignty is limited by COVID-19. Perhaps this was an unexpected plan B?  But of course, that isn’t true. God is perfectly sovereign over every detail of this virus. Each case, each contact, each new infection…all of it, down to the the most minute biochemical event…is in God’s perfect hand.

And in each of those works, He is wise. 

Each of those interactions is a ‘work’ of His. And each event, with all its ramifications, is governed by His perfect hand. 

What’s the Point?
So, why did God allow this virus to start, and what is His purpose in every one of those events? The answer is not readily apparent. 

Rather than conjecture about the ‘WHY’ question, we need to look closer at God’s character. 

Though this circumstance may be incredibly difficult for the world, and for God’s people, He is still good in it! His works are always wise, and so they must be good. 

Our goal, then, must be to prayerfully seek His wisdom and goodness as we wait to see the outcome. 

Personal goodness
I can say personally that this event has been good for me! 

I am reminded of my mortality in a serious way. 
I am reminded of the scarcity that so much of the world lives with each day. 
I am reminded that I am so blessed to live in an age of technological ease. 
I am reminded to sit and play card games with the kids! 
I am reminded of God’s kindness to me in my wife.

And these are just a few! Let’s remember that God is wise, and during this time, see His wise hand in our lives, no matter what may come.