Christian Living

Peter 1:2-4, "Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust."

Faith in the promises of God enables the believer to experience the power of God for the Christian life. This is why we constantly need to be reminded of God's "precious and magnificent promises." Our faith can grow weak, therefore we need a boost of God's strength and grace. The following resources summarize God's promises for the believer for many of life's common issues and temptations.

Recommended Articles

What Is Gospel-Centeredness?

This paper gives an overview of the critical importance of Gospel-centeredness and how the Bible fully and clearly supports being "Gospel-centered."

The Promises of God

God's Word is filled with many promises for the Christian life. This document provides a list of promises organized by topic.

The Promises of God in Suffering

This document is a summary of our 2014 Fall Preaching Series on Suffering and the Sovereignty of God. In it you will find an overview of the truths from each sermon, as well as the key verses for each.

Gospel Indicatives/Imperatives Chart

This chart provides a visual of the relationship between Gospel indicatives and Gospel imperatives and the role of faith/joy in both.

Abiding in Christ

Seven principles on abiding in Christ taken directly from John 15:1-11.

Gospel-Driven Sanctification

Written by Jerry Bridges, this article aids the believer on how to grow in sanctification by the power of the Gospel.

Honey Out of the Rock

Written by Thomas Wilcox, a 16th C. Puritan pastor, this sermon helps Christians to rest on the righteousness of Christ alone for all things.

Recommended Books


A Gospel Primer by Milton Vincent

This little book is packed with amazing Gospel truths and designed for Christians to preach the Gospel to themselves everyday.


For Your Joy by John Piper

This little booklet by John Piper answers key questions about God and provides the biblical pathway to salvation.


God is the Gospel by John Piper

A pivotal book on the greatest gift of the Gospel, God Himself, and why this is essential to saving faith.


The Bookends of the Christian Life by Jerry Bridges & Bob Bevington

This book gives a helpful summary of the critical role of the Gospel in our sanctification, namely in the role of justification by faith and the work of the Holy Spirit. The authors use an extended metaphor to serve up a little book with a big message about two essentials of the Christian life. What do bookends have to do with the Christian life? They are a metaphor that Jerry Bridges has developed over the years, and which he and co-author Bob Bevington flesh out in this small volume. The two "bookends" explain not only how we as sinners can be made acceptable to a holy God but also we can find the power to change. They are thus essential for the Christian life.


Overcoming Sin and Temptation by John Owen

This excellent book combines three classic works of John Owen, the 17th century Puritan pastor/theologian - 1) On the Mortification of Sin in Believers; 2) Of Temptation: The Nature and Power of It; 3) Indwelling Sin. Owen's insight into the soul of man is rare today, especially for a society that is into quick fixes and easy, simple-to-use soul remedies. Owen is not into overnight transformations, but the joyful and laborious journey of progressive sanctification. This book has humbled and convicted me on every page. Each chapter needs to be savored and digested slowly as Owen points out the details and intricacies of the regenerate, yet still sinful heart. Owen seeks to plumb the depths of sin in order that holiness may be formed in the believer through the finished work of Christ on the Cross. His classic line is both a warning and a call to arms... "Be killing sin or sin will be killing you!" If you have the patience to wade and wrestle through nearly 400 pages of a classic Puritan work on knowing one's heart and the wiles of sin, no doubt, Owen will be one of your favorite authors of all time.


The Pursuit of God by A. W. Tozer

Our generation owes a huge debt to men like A.W. Tozer. Although Tozer lived in the earlier part of the 20th century, his insights into Christianity were not only discerning for his day, but well beyond his time. He addresses the essential need for Christians to hunger and thirst for God as described by the psalmist in Psalm 42. Using carefully crafted words and an easy-to-read pastoral style, this book is a wonderful challenge to the heart to rid itself of any idols that stand in the way of God. This quote sums up much of the book... "Come near to the holy men and women of the past and you will soon feel the heat of their desire after God. They mourned for Him, they prayed and wrestled and sought for Him day and night, in season and out, and when they had found Him the finding was all the sweeter for the long seeking." His practical applications for the Christian life are soundly based on a biblical understanding of the sovereignty of God. The book is short - a little over 100 pages - yet each chapter presents a potent exhortation to lay aside all and pursue God.


Recommended Links


Desiring God Ministries - John Piper

To spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ.


Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF) 

To teach people, and see hearts transformed, as they explore the rich wisdom of Scripture and apply it to the complexities of human life.


The Council of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW) 

To proclaim the truth of God's Word regarding God's wise design for the complementary differences between men and women.


Ligonier Ministries - R.C. Sproul

To awaken as many people as possible to the holiness of God by proclaiming, teaching, and defending God's holiness in all its fullness.


Sovereign Grace Ministries

To start, establish, and strengthen local churches with the gospel, and to provide ongoing teaching and training to other church-planting ministries on several continents.


Grace to You - John MacArthur

To unleash God's truth, one verse at a time.


The Master's Seminary

To advance the kingdom by equipping godly men to be pastors and/or trainers of pastors for excellence in service in strategic fields of Christian ministry.


9 Marks

To help local church pastors and leaders in the discovery and application of the biblical priorities that cultivate health and holiness in the local church.