Gospel - the gospel is “good news” that sinners can be saved by grace alone through faith alone based on the blood and righteousness of Christ alone, for the glory of God alone.
At Faith Bible Church, the Lord has given us a heart for global missions. We love to see the name of Christ spreading throughout the world, especially in places where the gospel has never been heard before, as He redeems sinners like us for His praise!
Therefore, we are committed to fulfilling the great commission. We support several missionary families seeking to spread the gospel to every tongue and nation.
The Kopps - Lilongwe, Malawi
The Spitales - Turin, Italy
Faith Bible Church also supports these missionaries through our short-term teams that go and minister alongside of our missionaries.
We also desire to reach our neighborhoods for Christ and have regular Outreach Team events, as well as evangelism training classes and an annual outreach through our summer Vacation Bible School.
For more information about missions, please click HERE.