Bulletin for February 23, 2025
Call to Worship
Psalm 118:22-29
The Matchless Name of Jesus
Completely Done
O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing
It’s Fun to be a Christian
1 Corinthians 5:6-8
Christ is Mine Forevermore
Kids are welcome to go to Sunday School class immediately after the pastoral prayer.
Care Groups
Care Groups this week: Prayer Week
Click HERE for more info on our care groups, as well as the weekly Care Group questions and the schedule of study weeks and prayer weeks.
YouTube Sunday Church Service Live Stream at 10:30am.
This Sunday, for those who prefer to watch rather than attend in person, we’ll be live streaming our church service on YouTube at 10:30am HERE.
Equipping Classes
Our primary Sunday AM Equipping Class is called “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: A Study of Judah’s Kings Through the Eyes of 2 Chronicles” and it meets on Sundays at 9:00am (except for holidays).
We are also offering a Fundamentals of the Faith Class at 9:00am. If you’re interested in attending the FoF class, please email Stephen Niednagel at stephenfbc1@gmail.com so he can order a workbook for you. Please note that the cost of a workbook is $10 and Stephen can collect that from you at class.
We are also offering a PM Equipping class on parenting. This class will run for 6 weeks and begins Sunday, February 2nd. Exact dates can be found in the calendar at a glance below or on our church calendar at faithbibleoc.org/calendar.
Our YouTube Channel
Our YouTube channel has past and present Sermons, AM Equipping classes, Care Group lessons and video devotionals going back to March, 2020. If you’d like to check them out or subscribe to our channel, click HERE.
Church Calendar at a Glance
Sunday, February 23rd: AWANA: Crazy Sock Night + Parenting Class (2 of 6), 5pm
Friday, March 7th + Saturday, March 8th: FBC Women’s Retreat
Sunday, March 9th: AWANA: March Madness + Parenting Class (3 of 6), 5pm
Wednesday, March 19th: Men’s Prayer Meeting, 6:30pm
Thursday, June 19th - Sunday, June 22nd: FBC Youth Retreat
Monday, July 21st-Friday, July 25th: FBC’s VBS 2025
Friday, October 10th-Sunday, October 12th: FBC Family Camp 2025
Weekly Memory Verse
"For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." -Matthew 18:20
FBC’s 2025 Women’s Retreat
Please join us Friday, March 7th and Saturday, March 8th for a weekend filled with teaching from God’s Word and fellowshipping with other women from FBC. Our guest Speaker Chris Evans will be sharing with us about Anticipating and Accepting Trials with Joy. We are excited for this opportunity to connect, refresh and grow together. For more details about this year’s Women’s Retreat, click here. To register, click here.
Men’s Monthly Prayer Meetings
There will be a Men’s Monthly Prayer Meeting once a month from 6:30am to 7:30am at the church office | 26431 Crown Valley Parkway, Suite 200, Mission Viejo, CA 92691. During this hour, we will pray for the needs of the church as well as any specific, personal prayer requests you may have. The dates of these Monthly Prayer Meetings can be found on our church calendar on our website or by clicking HERE. If you have any questions, please contact Jon Buck at jbbuckmine@gmail.com or one of the elders.
Women’s Ministry Meetings
Our next monthly Women’s Ministry Meetings is on Sunday, April 27th. At these meetings, we will share a meal together, hear biblical teaching and connect together in small groups to process and apply what we learned through our time of teaching. This year, we will be studying the book of Psalms. Future women’s ministry dates can be found on our church calendar on our website or by clicking HERE. If you have any questions or would like a copy of the book, please contact Jon Buck at jbbuckmine@gmail.com.
Ladies’ Park and Beach Gatherings!
All ladies of FBC are invited for fun and fellowship at the park each Thursday from 10:00am-12:30pm. Feel free to come fellowship, let your kids play or just walk outdoors with other women from FBC. These gatherings are very informal get togethers and you can come and go as it suits your schedule! If you have any questions about park gatherings, please contact Madison VanTongeren at (616) 856-7070. Beach Days are currently on hiatus until next summer. If you have any questions about the beach days, please email admin@faithbibleoc.org.
FBC Outreach Ministry
Interested in joining our FBC Outreach Tables? See our church calendar for Saturday ministry dates at the San Clemente Outlets and the Irvine Spectrum. Please email Stephen Niednagel at stephenfbc1@gmail.com with any questions you may have or if you’re interested in participating!
Online Church Calendar
Did you know that the complete church calendar can be found on our website? Every church event and meeting is included in the calendar. You can find the calendar by clicking on the "church calendar" image on our website homepage, faithbibleoc.org, or directly at this link: faithbibleoc.org/calendar
Sign Up to Bring Sunday Refreshments
We're in need of volunteers to bring refreshments on Sunday mornings for fellowship time. If you're able to bring snacks, please click HERE to sign up. Please be sure to read the new information on the sign up sheet carefully as the guidelines are different than before. If you’re not currently in our church email group or if you need help signing up, please email Tami Harrison at tami@faithbibleoc.org.
Sermon Podcasts
Did you know you can access our sermons on Apple Podcast and Spotify Podcast? To subscribe to the Apple Podcast click HERE. To subscribe to the Spotify Podcast, click HERE.
Bible/chat Podcast and YouTube Channel!
Check out Jon and Kevin’s podcast and YouTube channel called Bible /chat where almost every day they chat about the Bible, God, and Jesus. Each chat is only a few minutes long and easy to check out on a regular basis! To subscribe to the YouTube channel, click HERE. To subscribe to the Apple Podcast click HERE. To subscribe to the Spotify Podcast, click HERE. To subscribe to the Google Podcast, click HERE.
FBC Praise Music Playlist
Check out our praise music playlist available on both Apple Music and Spotify! Click HERE for the Apple Music playlist. Click HERE for the Spotify playlist.
We will have a box set out on Sunday where you can place your offering or if desired, you can send your giving to Faith Bible Church via Venmo to @faithbible-oc or through Zelle using Faith Bible Church of South County (accounting@faithbibleoc.org).
New to FBC?
If you are new to FBC and consider it your church home, we would love to add you to our church email group and/or our church directory! Please contact Summer Martin at admin@faithbibleoc.org if you would like to be added.